Saturday, December 24, 2011

3 bedrooms painted, 2 days of plumbing, and a kitchen sink just for me


Yeah, you can get the tune in your head.

well the most exciting news is that after about 1.5 months of no sink and water on the main level, we now have a kitchen sink back.  A little more work and we will be spoiled by having a dishwasher again.  At least no more carrying dishes to the basement laundry tub.

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Aurora helps mom do some dishes after many piled up waiting for the return of the sink.

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We noticed we never put pictures of the painted bedrooms, and now the doors are in as well.



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Dean’s Bedroom

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Aurora’s Room

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Master Bedroom

Please ignore the tools.  They are not a permanent fixture.

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Granite Arrived!


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Organizing the Cabinets and Lights

We brought all of the kitchen stuff up from the basement.  We will have to clear some drawers, but we now know where most items will go. 


Dean helps Mom sort. 

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The kids find out empty pantry cabinets are a lot of fun.


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Later in the day Seth finally got the electrical done after solving a few problems.  Let there be light!!!!!!

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Some lights are not in as they will hang near where they will install granite.  We figured it would be best to just wait with putting them up. 

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Found Before Picks!

These pictures are from when we bought the house and the original kitchen.  Made me pause for a moment and reflect.






When the giant task of sorting and cleaning is complete I will try and take pictures from these four locations.