Monday, January 16, 2012

Final Outside Before and After

We have to do some landscaping once warmer temps arrive, but we have the final(ish) before and after pictures of the outside.  I was waiting until we no longer needed a dumpster in the driveway to take the picture.



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Friday, January 13, 2012

Aurora’s New Room!

Dean’s New Room!

Upstairs Carpet In

Quick tour of upstairs

Dean on the floor in his room.

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Aurora in her room.

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There is a wrestling match in the master bedroom.

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Liz moves the crib up.

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We had a ‘campout’ in the master for our first night sleeping in the remodel!

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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Slowly Moving In

The kitchen  space and front room got cleaned and cleared and we are using more space each day.  New appliances were delivered, but the fridge is still in limbo.  A mix up was made and we are waiting for the resolution.  A cabinet will need to be resized above the fridge, but everything else has stayed on track.


Picture of kitchen with fridge.  If everything works out we might have a fridge that looks the same as this one in the picture.  We will see what happens.


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Seth did his backsplash while his parents were over for new year.  They were a big help with mixing grout and helping clean the mess.  The front is also tiled, but I will have to get a picture later.


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NEW OVEN!!!  It’s been a while since we have cooked with actual pots and pans.

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Rotating view across the kitchen from the corner.


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Saturday, December 24, 2011

3 bedrooms painted, 2 days of plumbing, and a kitchen sink just for me


Yeah, you can get the tune in your head.

well the most exciting news is that after about 1.5 months of no sink and water on the main level, we now have a kitchen sink back.  A little more work and we will be spoiled by having a dishwasher again.  At least no more carrying dishes to the basement laundry tub.

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Aurora helps mom do some dishes after many piled up waiting for the return of the sink.

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We noticed we never put pictures of the painted bedrooms, and now the doors are in as well.



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Dean’s Bedroom

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Aurora’s Room

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Master Bedroom

Please ignore the tools.  They are not a permanent fixture.

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Granite Arrived!
